The Scarecrow: Proof

The Scarecrow, Metro, 1920, is probably my favorite Buster Keaton two-reeler.

Written and directed by Buster Keaton and Edward F. Cline, with cinematography by the great Elgin Lessley, The Scarecrow stars Buster Keaton, Big Joe Roberts, Sybil Seely, Joe Keaton and Luke The Wonder Dog. The plot may be simple (rivals-for-same-girl), but The Scarecrow has gags and chases galore. Better yet—-

It has PROOF.

Proof that Buster was, is, and evermore shall be completely awesome. I present my case in part:

Farmhands Buster and Big Joe share a one-room shack that’s filled with gadgets: a record player turns into a stove/oven, complete with retrievable coin to power it; a tabletop wagon becomes a biscuit dispenser; sofas turn into sinks, and so on.

Both boys are after lively Sybil Seely, the farmer’s daughter. She dances for Big Joe, and seeing this, Buster crawls off in despair, only to encounter what he thinks is a mad dog, who’s really foaming at the mouth because he ate a cream pie.

This turns into a fast and furious chase around a picturesque shell of a brick building. After falling into a hay cannon, Buster spends a lot of time in his skivvies, until he spots a scarecrow and quickly dons its suit.

Now the farmer and the rival are chasing Buster, too. Eventually Buster and Sybil elope.

Big Joe Roberts shows a sly duality as Buster’s rival, scrambling for the attentions of Sybil, then collecting splints, crutches, arnica and bandages for treating his pal/rival in case the ‘rabid’ Luke catches up with our hero… but needing them himself after being hit by a truck.

Joe Keaton (as the farmer) gives Buster vigorous chase over hill and dale. And Luke almost steals the show, relentless to catch Buster, leaping gaps in a derelict wall, climbing ladders.

Each scene fits neatly into the next, like the parts of the house fit into one another. Here is Buster at his most inventive… and this is a man known for his inventions, such as the condiment-dispensing train featured at his barbecues, foreshadowed by The Scarecrow Biscuit Wagon.

There is bucolic splendor everywhere: the farm, the animals, the pond, even the sleepy back roads. It reminds me of happy, unhurried childhood days.

Am I nuts, wanting to live in Buster’s one-room Garden of Gadgets?

Well, let’s recap Buster’s feats:

Pulls his own tooth with a string, proving he’s Tough.

Condiments swing from the ceiling like Tarzan, proving he’s Inventive.

Runs from a mad dog, proving he’s Fast.

Gets shot out of a hay cannon and his clothes, proving he’s Built.

Makes friends with the dog, proving he’s Lovable.

Crawls into a Scarecrow suit, proving he’s Resourceful.

Walks on his hands across a pond, proving he’s Agile.

Takes countless pratfalls, proving he’s Durable.

Gets himself married and baptized at the same time, proving he’s Thrifty.

Yup. I’ll take it.

My thanks to Lea S. of the great blog Silent-ology: for hosting this Busterthon/Blogathon.

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8 Responses to The Scarecrow: Proof

  1. nitrateglow says:

    Awesome post! I love this sunny little film. The funniest part are all those gadgets in the house.

  2. TheRose says:

    Thank you for a great post! Buster’s inventive genius does not receive enough acclaim in these modern days! I also have said, “I wish I could live in a house like ‘The Scarecrow’ one before!” I think it was brilliant!

  3. Pingback: The Eighth Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon | Silent-ology

  4. Nancy :-) says:

    Proof is in the pudding!!! What a great read and film!!!! Thank you!

  5. Elisabeth Veidt says:

    “Gets himself married and baptized at the same time, proving he’s Thrifty.” A very thrifty man indeed. And a very funny publication. Congratulations. 👏

  6. Debbe says:

    Hey there- I really enjoyed this- Thanks! 😁

  7. Shelomit says:

    What a delightful and lighthearted return to an evergreen film 😀 Every time I open my refrigerator and scrabble around in the door shelves for the condiments, I wish I had that ingenious kitchen set-up.

  8. Lea S says:

    My favorite Buster short! It’s like a ray of sunshine. Thank you for covering it for the blogathon!!

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